Hi everyone! If you live in the US you must be enjoying one of the very very few holidays as we speak. My love is home since Wednesday night and we've seized every minute of it. Anyway, today was Black Friday, which reminds me a terrible experience 5 years ago. We enjoy great quality items with bargain price like everybody else and decided to go to one of this premium outlets. All vendors had good deals and like this was not good enough, they offer this morning hour special with additional discounts. Before the shopping frenzy we slept 3 hours and woke up around 10 pm and took off. Everything was alright except for the last 20 miles, where the traffic horror took over. 20 miles in 10 hours with all other miserable bargain hunters in a three-lane road, no kidding! That's not all! When we arrived we couldn't find any parking spots, so we decided to go back but since we were tired to death, we parked at the first McDonalds we found on the gps, slept for couple minutes, drank "I don't know how many cups of" coffee, two red bulls and moved on. When we finally came home we slept 22 hours straight. It was literally BLACK FRiDAY for us :( After 5 years we must have forgotten how terrible that experience was and took another outlet shot. Recession showed this time, no traffic and slight parking spot war. We arrived and we remembered how we hated this event, spent 1 hour, visited 5 shops and I bought this $7 BCBG top and came home and slept. I hate Black Friday and I never, never and ever go one more time I swear to God. God, please give me the will not to breach our agreement again!
Herkese merhaba! Nasilsiniz gorusmeyeli? Ben bomba gibiyim zira tezimi son kontrol icin hocama teslim ettim ve su ara tek yaptigim ondan gelecek cevabi heyecan icinde beklemek. Bu arada tabii siz bayram tatilinizi yaptiniz bitirdiniz ama soylemesi ayiptir 2 gundur de biz tatildeyiz, hafta sonuyla birlesince toplamda 4 gunluk bir tatil soz konusu olan ama cocuklar gibi pek mutluyuz sormayin. Bugun burada Amerikali'larin deyimiyle Black Friday, Turkce'ye cevirirsek Kara Cuma diyebilecegimiz bir alisveris faaliyeti soz konusuydu. 5 yil onceki aci tecrubemizden beri katilmadigimiz bu faaliyet, seytanin sevgilimin aklini celmesiyle bu sene yine gundemimizdeydi. Neyse once 5 sene onceki "Kara Cuma" dan bahsedeyim size. O gun, 3 saat uykuyla ciktigimiz outlet macerasinin son 30 kilometresine gelene kadar her sey yolunda gozukuyordu ama iste o son 3o kilometrelik yolu biz toplam 10 saatte tamamlayabildik. En sonunda vardigimizda ise park edecek yer bulamayip hicbir yere ugrayamadan geriye donduk. Yolda durdugumuz ilk McDonalds'ta kac kahve ictigimizi hatirlamiyorum ama 20 dakika uyuyup, dev boy buz dolu bardaklarin icine doldurdugumuz ikiser Red Bull'la gecen berbat yolculugumuz bitip de eve vardigimizda araliksiz 22 saat uyudugumuzu cok net hatirliyorum. Gercek bir KARA CUMA olarak travmatik bicimde hafizalarimiza yer etmis bu etkinlik buradaki ekonomik krizden etkilenmis olacak ki dun ne trafik ne de park savasi yasandi gittigimiz outlette. Ama kalabalik, Coach/Juicy Couture gibi magazalarin onunde o buz gibi havada iceriye girmek icin sirada bekleyen ergen kizlar var ya iste onlar tum alisveris istahimi kapatti ve biz toplamda 5 magazaya ugradiktan sonra ( 1'i elektronik, 1'i de kis sporlari) esas gitme sebebimiz magazanin saat sabah 6'da acilacagini ogrenmemizle birlikte orada gecirdigimiz 1 saatin ardindan elimizde 7 dolara BCBG magazasindan aldigim goz alici pembe!!! ipek bluzumla birlikte eve donup uyuyarak bitirdik geceyi. Kara Cuma' lardan nefret ediyorum ve once kendime sonra Allah'a soz veriyorum ki bir daha asla ama ASLA bu alisveris faaliyetine katilmayacagim.
Silk blouse&Suede skirt&Belt&Gloves&Earrings: Vintage
Trenchcoat: Nicole Miller Bag: LV
Shoes: Enzo Angilioni Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters
Ipek bluz&Suet etek&Kemer&Eldiven&Kupe: Vintage
Trenckot: Nicole Miller Canta: LV
Ayakkabi: Enzo Angiolini Gunes gozlugu: Urban Outfitters